This is an adapted and customized firmware, so not out of the laboratories of Nokia or Symbian Foundation, so that, as always in these cases, the update with these files is at your own risk. And of course, remember that it is advisable to make a backup of phone contents prior to installation. Better safe.
For example, we will have full access to the root system, in addition to providing a horizontal view of the phone dialer, an increase in the volume of media player, expansion of voice recording (which goes from a maximum of one hour to five hours) and the quality of file (with a record of 256 Kbps instead of 128 Kbps native).
Also, the camera will grow with the new firmware. Now, will the video recording of 25 frames per second at 30 fps capture, thus the fluidity of the image will be larger. We will also have automatic and autofocus, as before, a noticeable increase in sound quality captured on video.
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