martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

iPhones 4 that suffer some damage of your coated cover glass 82% more damage on the screen than its predecessor, the iPhone 3G


iphone 4 roturaUn study of the insurer Square Trade has brought to light the percentage of iPhones 4 that suffer some damage of your coated cover glass. The result is surprising since it has been proven that in the first four months of life, the fourth generation of the iPhone is prone to 82% more damage on the screen than its predecessor, the iPhone 3G.

Undoubtedly, the iPhone 4 is a terminal that has to talk like no other had. First, by generating relevant announcement of a new generation of one of the phones most valued by users and second, the problems that has been ongoing since its launch. Have been few, but we can mention the so-called antennagate (coverage issues) and the latter known as glassgate, consisting of the cracking of the back of the case because the dirt embedded in the scratches. Now a new chapter of woes goes to the door.

Love design but you can break your heart

The iPhone 4 is framed in the history of mobile phone as an unforgettable, both for its virtues as well as its shortcomings. The first hand Gizmodo leaks silenced the world since the design of the new iPhone broke radically with the line of previous models. Thinner and angled side contrasted with materials that made it more glamorous yet. Unlike the iPhone 3G, the fourth generation would "glass" on the sides and reinforced by a steel frame. A beautiful picture love at first sight, but becomes a double-edged sword. The glass that covers the terminal, despite being treated with a layer called Gorilla Glass, is having serious problems when addressing the shortcomings of the iPhone usuarios.Pantalla-rotation


The study from which we extract the information has been carried out by the insurer Square Trade. The conclusion is rather simple. The iPhone is a phone 4 more delicate than the previous iPhone 3G, and we adjusted statistics. In the four months, the insurer has registered 20,000 cases of people who have had an accident insurance, more specifically by dropping the terminal. As a result, the display iPhone 4 was made crumbs in most casos.Estadísticas-break-iPhone 4

68% more likely to break

The transcendence of the situation is that such complaints have increased by up to 82% more than the previous model, the 3G. If you look at the team's general damages, the figure stands at 68%. It is also noteworthy that in the first four months of life for 4.7% of customers claimed their insurance, compared to 2.8% from the previous model.

Some conclusions

Gathering information, have concluded that during the first 12 months, 15.5% of the terminals will have problems with the housing compared to 7.8% in the iPhone 3G. The glass used by Apple's iPhone 4, Gorilla Glass, seems not sufficient to maintain the integrity of the terminal, if we take into account that has twice the surface covered by glass. Regarding the rate of repair hardware problems, there is little difference between the two models.

You know, your beloved smartphone mimad a watch case and falls to the ground because they can be deadly.


68% más de posibilidades de que se rompa

Lo trascendente de la situación es que este tipo de denuncias se han incrementado en hasta un 82% más que con el anterior modelo, el 3GS. Si nos fijamos en los daños generales del equipo, la cifra se establece en un 68%. También es destacable que en los cuatro primeros meses de vida el 4,7% de los clientes reclamaron a su seguro, frente al 2,8% del modelo anterior.

Algunas conclusiones

Recopilando la información, han llegado a la conclusión de que durante los primeros 12 meses el 15,5% de los terminales tendrá problemas con la carcasa frente al 7,8% registrado en el iPhone 3GS. El cristal utilizado por Apple en el iPhone 4, Gorilla Glass, parece que no es suficiente para mantener la integridad del terminal, más si tenemos en cuenta que dispone del doble de superficie recubierta por cristal. Respecto a la tasa de reparación por problemas de hardware, apenas hay diferencias entre uno y otro modelo.

Ya sabéis, mimad a vuestro querido smartphone con una funda y cuidado con las caídas al suelo porque pueden ser mortales.

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