According to a study by ComScore, the behavior of mobile users is very different depending on the geographic area from which they originate. Europeans lead the ranking of sending text messages compared to the U.S. and Japan, as do 80 percent of users. For its part, the Japanese tend to use the phone to connect and download applications and more Americans are using it to connect to social networks. By Gloria Navas.
Users Europeans have a new record are the most text messages sent, when compared with the Americans or the Japanese. This was evident in a study conducted by the company ComScore, which are analyzed and compared the use of mobile technology in Japan, Europe and the U.S.. Market analysis reveals significant differences among some consumers and others, depending on your geographic area.
Specifically, 80 percent of Europeans resort to this form of communication, rather than the two-thirds of U.S. mobile owners and only 40 percent of the Japanese.
This last fact is very curious if you are aware that there are 112 million Japanese, and virtually 100 per cent have a mobile phone. However, this market is the fastest-number of connections, with 75 percent of users using the mobile browser applications accessing or downloading content. Messages that do tend to send more Japanese users as the Europeans are the emails. In this case, it uses just over half, 54 percent, compared with 28 percent of Americans and 19 percent of Europeans.
Far from this market are Americans, with 43.7 percent of people using the mobile device for downloading or accessing applications. And further still put the Europeans, who despite leading the ranking of items of text messages, only 38.5 percent opted for these other uses, although an upward trend as more and more demanding smartphones through which you can perform many operations.
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Social Networking
For its part, America is on the three continents that most use the telephone to access a network or blogging. However, still not a very significant figure. In particular, it makes up 21.3 percent, followed by 17 percent in Japan and 14, 7 percent of European users. Social networking sites are accessed from the mobile Facebook-leader in the U.S. and Europe, and Mixi, Japan. In addition, the Twitter microblogging network is among the first four options in the three markets analyzed.
The senior vice president of comScore Mobile, Mark Donovan, said that the average use of mobile phones continues to accelerate worldwide, driven by technology and the increasing number of content choices available to consumers. " It also explains that if you study the market dynamics can detect huge differences in mobile media consumption. According to him, "these differences are even more pronounced than it is to use PC-based Internet." This is due to the complex nature of mobile telephony, as it includes distinct capabilities in the devices, operating systems and methods of access to content.
Another aspect that is revealed in this study is that Japanese users are more likely to take pictures with your mobile phone (specifically the 63 per cent) and watch TV or videos (22 percent). By contrast, Europeans prefer to listen to music and play games in 24 percent of cases.
Young men and
ComScore has also conducted a demographic analysis of mobile users. In this sense, the use of mobile phones in Japan in much more balanced in all age segments, which does not happen in other continents. In the U.S., people aged 25 and 34 years is 44 percent more likely to access mobile services than the average user between 18 and 24. In contrast, in Europe the opposite is true. Young people between 18 and 24 are the most used mobile services, namely 54 percent, compared with 35 percent of the age range between 25 and 34.
They also agree in gender difference. While in America is more likely to connect a man than a woman by a margin of 8%, in Europe the figure doubles to 16%.
The study was conducted last June by the MobiLens service, comScore, a leader in measuring the digital world.
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Tuesday October 12, 2010
Gloria Navas Jimenez
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Your comments
Pascal 1.Publicado Reyes 10/12/2010 23:33
Very interesting article. Too bad he does not consider other countries such as Venezuela. I assure you
would win in many of the statistics of mobile telephony. So much so that operators are selling
sms 700 refills for use within 30 days.
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